They say a picture is worth a thousand words...but here it goes anyway.
First go to Snapwidget. Then fill in the information similar to the above picture. Size depends on where you will add it to your blog. If you are adding it to a sidebar then 200px seems about right. Just play around with it until you get the size you want.
Next you will click on get code. Copy the code and open up or switch to your Blogger layout screen. Click "Add a gadget" and choose "HTML/Javascript". Paste your code and title your gadget.
Click save and you are done. Now you can move your gadget anywhere you would like on your sidebar.
However, if you want to add the slideshow to a post you will click onto add post instead of Blogger layout. When you are ready to add the slideshow click on HTML and paste the code. Click save and publish and you are all done.
Let me know if you have any questions.