Monday, June 14, 2010


Homeschool Plans for 2010-2011 school year 10th grade

I'm confused! I have ordered so much great curriculum for Rhiannon that it's hard to choose for next year. Maybe if  I write down what I know I'll be using, I can work out the rest.
Algebra 2 - VideoText Algebra with some CLEP prep. We want to take CLEP test next October.
Science - Apologia Biology & Science Roots (2nd half) with some CLEP prep. We want to take CLEP test next October.
English II -  DGP(Daily Grammar Practice), Rummy Roots (Vocabulary), Jump In Writing (finish from last year), Jensen's Format Writing, Smarr: A Guide to Critical Writing, Grammar, and Style, read 10 great books & do at least 4 Literature Guides. (Does this seem like a lot?)
Health Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology - I know it's not technically a health book, but if you read through it, you'll notice lots of similarities. Also, since Riri is leaning towards a career in nursing, she needs to build her knowledge. She'll be taking the highschool version of anatomy soon, so I'd like to give her a head start while also acquiring credit for health.
History - ? I'm debating between Mystery of History II or All American History I. I already have both, but not sure which direction I want to go for next year. I think my problem lies in not having enough time left for all we want to learn in history. We really like Mystery of History, but she won't be writing any American History and we need American History credit. However, the same publisher did publish All American History. I found the on-line samples, and loved it. I've already ordered it, but since we're in Belize I won't be getting it until July. So my problem is we want to do MOH I, MOH II, MOH III, AAH I, AAH II, Economics, and American Government for high school! We need to cram 6 years of work into 4 years. We've already finished 9th grade and MOH I, hence the dilemma. Any suggestions?
Foreign Language - ? Any suggestions?
Computer Science - ? Any suggestions?


  1. I'm a homeschooler in Malaysia and I have just read your post. I am also in a similar predicament where time is running short for me and I've still so much to cover. How did this work out for you?

    1. Hi! My daughter graduated homeschool about 7 years ago. Wow time flies! Honestly I don't really recall all we ended up doing, but I will say she was more than prepared for University. She scored very well on her ACT exam and was mostly either on the President's list or Dean's list while at UT. There's no way to cover everything in high school but if you keep your teen learning and writing they will be prepared for University. I'm very glad we used VideoText Algebra, Apologia, Mistory of History, IEW (when younger) and Format Writing when older. God bless you in your homeschooling and remember to enjoy your time with them while you have them at home.
