Killer earthquakes, devastating hurricanes, bloody wars - the list can go on and on. But what does all of this have to do with the return of Christ? Storm Warning by Billy Graham answers this question plus many more. In order to gain a better understanding of what this book is about, let's examine what it is not about. This book is not about specific theological issues concerning the Second Coming of Christ, the Rapture of the Church, the Tribulation, or the Millennium. I would consider it more of a warning to be ready for Christ's Return and how we can be deviated off of our heaven bound course.
Storm Warning will definitely challenge and inspire the average churchgoer and unbeliever to dig deeper into God's word and not to fall into the traps of this world. I enjoyed reading the personal illustrations Mr. Graham used throughout Storm Warning, as well as all the scripture he used. Overall, I have to say I enjoyed reading Storm Warning and would recommend others read this book. However, just like any other book (except the bible) there will be bones to pick. (Thank you, BookSneeze, for the free copy of Storm Warning.)
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